很抱歉,我无法理解你提供的语言。 以下是英文版本的回答:

To draw the DC output of a bridge rectifier with capacitor filter and three-terminal integrated voltage regulator (7805), we need to connect the bridge rectifier's AC input to a transformer's secondary winding. The bridge rectifier's DC output should be connected to the input of a capacitor filter, and the output of the capacitor filter should be connected to the input of the 7805 voltage regulator.

The 7805 will regulate the DC voltage to a constant 5V output regardless of any fluctuation in input voltage or current.



  1. 首先,我们需要使用桥式整流电路将交流输入转换为带有纹波的直流输出。桥式整流电路由4个二极管和一个中心点连接组成。其中,两个二极管接收正半周的输入信号,另外两个二极管接收负半周的输入信号,然后它们的输出信号被连接到一个公共节点。

  2. 接着,我们需要使用电容滤波器来平滑输出信号中的纹波。电容滤波器由一个或多个电容器和一个负载电阻组成。在这种情况下,我们可以使用单个电容器,将其连接到桥式整流电路的输出端和地面之间。

  3. 最后,我们可以使用7805稳压器来确保输出电压的稳定性。7805是一种三端集成稳压器,其工作原理基于反馈控制。当输入电压变化时,7805会自动调整其内部元件的状态,以使输出电压保持不变。在这种情况下,我们可以将7805连接到电容滤波器的输出端和地面之间,以实现直流稳压。


// Define the input and output pins
const int INPUT_PIN = A0;
const int OUTPUT_PIN = 9;

// Define the reference voltage for the Arduino (in millivolts)
const float REFERENCE_VOLTAGE = 5000.0;

void setup() {
  // Initialize the serial communication

  // Set the input pin as an analog input
  pinMode(INPUT_PIN, INPUT);

  // Set the output pin as a digital output

  // Turn off the output initially
  digitalWrite(OUTPUT_PIN, LOW);

void loop() {
  // Read the input voltage from the analog pin
  float inputVoltage = analogRead(INPUT_PIN) * (REFERENCE_VOLTAGE / 1024.0);

  // Print the input voltage to the serial monitor
  Serial.print("Input voltage: ");
  Serial.println(" mV");

  // Use the 7805 voltage regulator to stabilize the output voltage
  float outputVoltage = 5.0;
  analogWrite(OUTPUT_PIN, outputVoltage * 255 / REFERENCE_VOLTAGE);

  // Print the stabilized output voltage to the serial monitor
  Serial.print("Output voltage: ");
  Serial.println(" V");

  // Wait for a short period of time before repeating the loop
